The more I looked and looked we would've ended up spending about $1,000. Which I honestly would've cut something else out so that I could do it. I had it all planned out...a guest got a copy and then the other copy goes right into the guest book where they sign...perfect! Good plan. So ok, I found another option that was a bit cheaper, served the same purpose but wasn't as prob!
So these you can usually find for about $799-$900...they customize the print outs with your name and it's all wonderful. What's weird is that for how badly I knew I wanted one of these I didn't book one right away for some reason. But then in June I happened to see a friend from high school did a different type of photo booth. I wasn't a fan right away (because you don't sit in a booth), but then I started to see how SUPER FUN all the pictures were. As I scrolled through I saw people on piggy back, swords, and pictures with like 20 people in fun! There was so much creativity! It seemed like everyone that stepped in front of the camera was having a blast and no two pictures were the same.

Turns out...another friend from high school actually owns the company, fotomatic. The pictures aren't printed on-site, they'll be upload to a website where guests can view them later and put on facebook if they want and then I get a flash drive with all of the photos. Because that saves so much money from not printing every photo, my high school friend is able to drop the price down to $499 for the whole night. BRILLIANT!
I booked it right away and am SO excited for all the creativity to follow. I just can't wait for the party to begin!!!